Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Carson's Dedication
Here we are on stage. Joe is the one dedicating Carson. He also dedicated John David and is also Trent's boss. We are close to him and his wife and love them very much. At our church we call it a rosebud. You get on stage and they present you with a rose, children's bible and letter from our pastor. Then they pray over you as a family as you dedicate to raise a godly child. It is special, even though I hate being on stage. The kids did great!

Here we are after church with Trent's parents. It was a great morning even though right after this picture we went outside to find out that their car was broken into along with two other people. They had a long drive back to GA with a broken window.

More Pictures of Carson's birthday!
Of course John David wanted a turn blowing out the candle and singing happy birthday to him!
A momma's boy for sure!!!!!!
I love my grammy and paw paw. I am so glad they came to visit me for my birthday :)
I went with a simple theme, baby blue and white. My friend Beth Gromis from church made the cake, it was soooo yummy.
Here is John David with our two neighbors, Jordan and Aidan, they were singing Happy Birthday to Carson. John David was really into it.
You mean MORE Presents!
FUN opening presents!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Carson enjoys his cake...well kind of!

He just kept looking at us...
then his cake...
then back at us...
then he held the cake in his mouth...

and he kept holding it in his mouth, we are not sure what he thought of it! He is my sweet eater so I was so shocked he did not tear into it! More pictures to come!
First Goose Egg!!!
Let's just say there was an accident on the Power Wheel :)

At least he was all smiles!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

My little boy is 1!

I will send pictures of Carson eating his cake after we have his little birthday party. Thanks for sharing this special day with me and for your love for Carson!

Just for fun here are some pictures of John David on his first birthday. They really look nothing alike!
I love you Carson! It has been an awesome year and I look forward to many more memories. I pray that you will come to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior at a young age and that you will grow up to be a godly man like your daddy.

In just one year you and your brother have already had many good times. I pray that you two will always stay close and be the best of friends.

Look at you....so big now! Everyone told me that you would grow up fast and they were right. I can't believe a year has already gone by. Your smile is amazing. I when I think back on your first year of life it will be your smile that I remember most.
Me and your daddy were so proud. You are such a blessing!
Your were so sweet and a great baby!
This is Dr. Jones who delivered you and your brother. I was so happy he was your doctor because he was my favorite!

This is a picture of the first time I held you. I will never forget that moment. I was so in love, you were so beautiful and so perfect. How could I not instantly fall in love, you looked exactly like your daddy!

Friday, January 4, 2008